Answered By: Brandon Kamin
Last Updated: Aug 01, 2024     Views: 698

An impact factor is a measure of a journal’s impact in its field or discipline as calculated through the frequency of the citation of its articles. The impact factor is often represented in a ratio determined by dividing the amount of times the articles within a journal issue were cited in other literature as a whole, by the total articles the journal contains. The higher the ratio, the more important the journal will be considered in its field.

Some journals will have their impact factor available on their websites, which can often be located by searching for it through the JFL database UlrichsWeb or through a search engine such as Bing or Google. If you are in a science related field, you can also consult the site to see if it is listed there. 

Another popular journal metric is the acceptance rate, which measures how many article submissions are accepted by the journal as opposed to rejected. Cabells is one database where students can search journal titles and receive information such as the acceptance rate. When using Cabells, we recommend using quotation marks when searching the journal title to ensure it provides the correct journal in the results.

For more information regarding journal impact analytics we also recommend Scopus. This video provides a brief introduction:

The Annual Reviews database also provides article metrics, available on the details page for each article. The article metrics page provides detailed citation data, the number of times the article has been cited, the list of the sources citing the article and other options to judge the impact of the article. For more information, please see this brief tutorial:

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