Answered By: Jeremy McGinniss
Last Updated: Aug 18, 2024     Views: 2074

To research this topic, you may want to search psychology databases using terms like safeguarding OR defense mechanism OR Adler* and one of the three safeguarding tendencies. To search a few of our psychology databases, please do the following:

Psychology Database (ProQuest)

  1. Go to the library homepage here.
  2. To the right, under Popular Databases select Browse All Databases.
  3. On the databases page, select the letter P.
  4. In the list that comes up select the link to Psychology Database (ProQuest).
  5. Click on Advanced Search, click the Full Text and Peer-Reviewed boxes.
  6. In the first search field, type defense mechanism OR safeguarding OR Adler*. In the second search field type in one of the three safeguarding tendencies. Then click Search.
  7. Using the Publication Date filter to the left, add any publication date requirements you may have, then click Update.

PsycINFO (APA PsycNet)

  1. Go to the library homepage here.
  2. To the right, under Databases by Subject select Browse All Databases.
  3. On the databases page, select the letter P.
  4. In the list that comes up select the link to PsycINFO (APA PsycNet).
  5. Once on the PsycINFO (APA PsycNet) page, you will see three search bars in the top left. Above the first one, there is a blue link that says Choose Databases. Click on this and box will appear on your screen with a list of databases that you can search from. Make sure that only these four databases are checked-- Academic Search Ultimate, Psychology and Behavioral Sciences Collection, SocINDEX with Full Text, and APA PsycInfo. Then click on the yellow Ok button at the bottom.
  6. In the first search field, type defense mechanism OR safeguarding OR Adler*. In the second search field type in one of the three safeguarding tendencies. Then click Search.
  7. After the search results pop up, go to the left to the Refine Results section. Using the Publication Date filter, add any publication date requirements you may have. Under Limit to, select Scholarly (Peer Reviewed) Journals.

If you have any additional questions, feel free to reach out to us at (434) 582-2220 or at