Using the Advanced Search:
- Navigate to the main library website at
- Under the Find Resources search bar, click Advanced Search.
- In the first search field, type your topic in relation to life coaching, such as the word relationships or workplace. In the second search field, type, “life coaching”. Be sure to put quotation marks around the phrase life coaching, since this action will allow the search engine to search for the words life and coaching together rather than separately. You may leave the Search fields as the default All Fields.
- Scroll down below the search fields and locate the Content Type section. Scroll down the list and select Journal Article from the list. Please take note not to click Journals / eJournals from the list.
- To the right of the page under the Refine your search section. Check the boxes entitled Include matches in Full Text and Peer-reviewed.
- Hit the Search button at the bottom of the page.
If you have any additional questions, feel free to reach out to us at (434) 582-2220 or at