Answered By: Jeremy McGinniss
Last Updated: Aug 14, 2024     Views: 246

To locate articles on business-related topics:

  1. Navigate to the main library website at
  2. Once the above link is selected, click on Research Guides under the search bar.
  3. When the next page loads, scroll down and select Business.
  4. Once you select Business, click on Business Research Guide.
  5. This guide has many suggestions on where to find information on business topics.  One place to start is the Business Databases (Articles) tab. Next, select Business Source Ultimate.
  6. Once you're in the database, notice the three search bars in the top left corner.
  7. On the first line, type in your specific term(s).
  8. Then click Search.
  9. When the results page loads, look on the left for Refine your results and make sure to click on Full Text.
  10. To view any of the articles, simply click on PDF Full Text.

For more information about business-related topics, the JFL has created a short video tutorial.

Click here to view:

If you have any additional questions, feel free to reach out to us at (434) 582-2220 or at