Answered By: Jeremy McGinniss
Last Updated: Oct 24, 2023     Views: 9300

Access through Journal Finder:

  1. Navigate to the main library website at
  2. Below the Find Resources search bar select the link for Journal Titles.
  3. Type Wall Street Journal into the search bar at the top of this page. Then click the Search icon.
  4. The next page should show a list of results for different versions. Click on the record titled Wall Street journal (Eastern ed. : Online).
  5. The following page will show you a list of databases that have access to the Wall Street Journal along with the dates of coverage. Click on the link for ProQuest Central, which has coverage from 1984 to present.
  6. On the next page, use the search bar to search within the Wall Street Journal or use the Browse specific issues section to find a specific article/issue.

If you have any additional questions, feel free to reach out to us at (434) 582-2220 or at